Last updated: August 9, 2001
The latest developers release of the Gemini Nucleus is version 0.1.2 and
is available for download.
The Gemini Nucleus version 0.1.3 is being developed. The latest - possibly
unstable - source code is available from the CVS. A note on version numbering
can be found here. It is possible to boot the Gemini
Nucleus from a floppy disk. The documentation sources are also available from
CVS (LyX format). Also have a look at the screen shot.
Implemented features:
- Scheduler
- Protected Control Transfers (PCT)
- Capability support
- IRQ handling
- Address space management
- I/O port control
- SMP detection
- Full color debug output
- System calls:
- yield
- upcalls_set
- pct_register
- pct
- pde_set (using capabilities)
- pte_set (using capabilities)
- irq_hook (using capabilities)
- irq_enable (using capabilities)
- irq_disable (using capabilities)
- port_enable (using capabilities)
- port_disable (using capabilities)
- preempt_enable (using capabilities)
- preempt_disable (using capabilities)
- quantum_allocate
- quantum_free
- event_generate
- execute
- exit
- kill
- wait
- capability_create
- capability_duplicate
- capability_grant
- capability_acquire
- capability_verify
- info
Currently we are finishing the design of the Gemini Nucleus, writing the
documentation and working on the code.